
Point & Shoot 029

March 10th, 2017 by

I’ve really been diggin’ not checking the photos on this little Fuji until I know have enough for a photo dump. It’s almost the same feeling as getting a roll of film back. The following is my recent trip to Sydney in order of shooting.

I’ve shot this run down service station a few times over the years, I am surprised it’s not worse off.

This road goes nowhere anymore but I have fond memories of driving through it before the bypass was built.

I turned off the highway to explore this small town called Coolac which had some interesting abandoned locations as you can see below.



I drove up this road based off a lookout sign I saw, turns out the lookout wasn’t that great but as usual your favourite photos come from the unplanned shots.

I drove around trying to find a road that went close to these wind turbines but failed so here’s one from the truck stop.


Old Marulan general store was to good not to shoot.

Bikes posted up out of the rain at the Vans BMX Pro cup.

Everyone went above and beyond when it came to drying the course out multiple times a day.

Manly beach bright and early just after a storm went through.

Manly Beach that same morning.

The mall connection to the beach in Manly.

Alex Hiam waiting in hope of dry weather.

The Five Dock sessions were pretty wild to witness.

One morning I beat traffic on the way to Manly so I had time to stop and shoot some photos at The Spit.

The first time I have ever walked over the Harbour Bridge.

The steps getting you there.

Larry Edgar waits for his run as the main crew behind the event make good shit happen.

El Ci posted up as we wait for the rain to clear.

It’s moments like these during early morning drives that get me through the long hours by yourself in the van.

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